Over 70 percent of meeting and event organizers believe networking and engagement will be the future of events. The challenge is how to do that. LED walls are one of the most flexible technology solutions you can use to breathe new life into your programming. From creating immersive environments to transforming presentations into interactive activities, LED walls can enhance indoor or outdoor meetings and events in myriad ways.

Let’s examine some use cases and applications where LED walls can support event goals to facilitate networking and improve engagement.

How do LED walls create more engaging and immersive environments?

“The No. 1 reason why we attend meetings is to interact with people,” says Encore Product Manager Damein Futch.

If you use LED to run keywords from the keynote and use it as a billboard to share critical ideas and information,” he says, “you can transform a cold space into a warmer place for people to connect to your event and each other."

“Instead of you telling me the Top 10 things I should remember, I learn because you’re using the billboard principle in the dining room.”

LED walls also allow you to change the environment without changing the space. “There’s an unlimited palette of opportunities,” Futch explains. For example, there might be a beach scene during the morning session, which turns into a sunset over a mountaintop for the general session.

“You can even put a transparent LED over a window in a breakout room.” This makes it possible to transport participants to different places, planets and emotional spaces without moving them from their chairs.

“Any time you want an interactive display behind something you want to sell or promote, you can use an LED wall,” Futch says. “You don’t have to worry about people walking through the cone of projection.” LED panels can be built to look like a product that you can transform into anything you want with striking visuals.

You may have seen LED walls used to show what people are experiencing while wearing virtual reality (VR) headsets or as a background layer for augmented reality (AR) activations. But have you heard about extended reality (XR)?

“Extended reality is a camera working with a media server and LED wall to create realistic background movement to give viewers the sense of being in another location,” Futch explains. It’s a technique used for TV/film productions to create immersive 360-degree sets. But the same technology can be used for events.

Futch says a professional meeting or event organizer’s use of LED walls is only limited only by their creativity, budget and opportunity. “The ROI of LED is exponentially greater than you see with other mediums. It costs more because it accomplishes more, and you can do more with it.“

A technology solution for all meeting types and formats

“Any time you have a screen or a wall, you can use LED,” Futch adds. “LED walls can be used in general sessions, breakout rooms, digital signage, creative elements, scenic and anywhere else, really.”

What does this look like in practice? The resolution and clarity provided by LED walls make them a good fit for medical meetings or any other gatherings where it’s essential to view high-contrast images. In general sessions, they can be used in place of traditional projections as scenic elements, or they may comprise the entire set. “LED walls don’t have to be rectangular or square,” Futch shares. “You can build and stagger them into any configuration you need.”

Another benefit? You’re not restricted to aspect ratios with LED walls the way you are with traditional projectors. You don’t have to worry about blending because you’re using one surface, whether it’s a window, wall, curved screen or even the side of a building. It can be as large or small as you need without compromising the resolution quality.

LED walls can also be used as creative accents. For example, if you wanted to use a projector for a presentation, you could wrap the presentation with LED walls to drive home the message.

No matter how they’re used, people’s eyes and attention naturally drift to LED walls because they’re so vivid and bright, which makes them an incredible tool for engagement. “You could even put one behind a registration desk,” Futch says. “And people will be drawn in.”

The benefits of using LED walls vs projectors

LED walls possess several technological advantages to projection equipment traditionally used, whether you’re creating scenic elements, relaying information or transforming spaces with projection mapping. These advantages enhance the participant experience and elevate the overall event.

The clarity and resolution of LED walls are one of the advantages they hold over traditional projection devices. “You’re able to achieve a higher impact with LED walls than with a projector,” Futch says. The resolution of a projector decreases as you increase the size of the projection, whereas the LED image remains the same resolution regardless of size.

Brightness is an additional advantage. “A projection always competes with stage lights or daylight,” Futch says. You never have to draw the curtains in a room with an LED wall. Examples of this can be seen within exhibit halls or outdoor venues.

Projectors are either rear-projecting or front-projecting. In both cases, a considerable amount of space is required to fit the ‘cone of projection.’ This isn’t the case with LED walls.

“You gain back seating and capacity for your attendees,” Futch informs. “You don’t have to worry about projection distance because everything is displayed on a flat surface.”

When light is projected, it bounces off a screen before it enters the participants’ eyes, making it a passive medium. In contrast, LED walls are an active medium. What they display is directly absorbed by the viewer. As Futch adds, “It is like your TV on steroids.”

It also offers increased opportunities for creative expression. “LED walls are visual LEGOs,” Futch explains. “With projectors, light [is] beamed at a source. With LED walls, the possibilities are endless when it comes to resolution and area covered.”

Think about the events you have coming up. How would you like to use LED walls to surprise and delight, educate and engage, or entertain your participants? We’d love to provide a free consultation on how this technology solution can help you achieve your meeting or event goals.

Interested in learning more? Click the button below to explore our experts’ guidance on dazzling audiences with LED technology.

Small meetings have become an incredible source of growth and opportunity in the wake of the pandemic. Catering to a group of 50 or fewer participants means you can provide more targeted programming, promote greater intimacy between your audience and stakeholders, and foster meaningful interactions that build trust. This holds true whether you’re conducting a management training or strategizing session, holding a board meeting or focused on team building. Regardless of the use case, small meetings can generate a closer level of connection and engagement to drive business outcomes.

Doing so, however, is not without its challenges. Today’s tech-savvy attendees have higher expectations for the level of production, technology and meeting tools than before the pandemic. Event professionals also face rising related costs, shorter lead times, and changing attendee dynamics – influenced by higher anxiety levels and lower, eight-second attention spans.

The growing number of meeting professionals with less than a year’s experience plays another factor. These professionals want to create successful experiences, and having a full-service provider on their side that can provide end-to-end support can make all the difference. Whether someone is a seasoned meeting planner or excited to get their feet wet and deliver their first outstanding program, having the optimal technology support is a crucial part of any successful small meeting strategy.

Read on to learn six ways technology solutions can empower event professionals to create small meetings that deliver a big impact.

1. Create a high-production look

With effective technology solutions in place, you can help ensure that your small meeting feels as significant as a larger conference production. Why does this matter? Coordinating a visually impressive meeting can positively affect audience sentiment and strengthen your programming – which is critical whether you deliver content to 50 people or 500. Achieving this all comes down to smart technology choices. You can take the guesswork out of this process by partnering with Encore. We can help you make the most of your space with aesthetically clean and professional-looking technology solutions. Here are a few of our top recommendations:

      • Eliminate room clutter

Create more floor space for seating and eliminate room clutter with a short-throw projector and tension screen. This not only expands your meeting capacity, but also creates a more visually appealing environment for participants. With this consolidated setup, there is no visible projector, cords or cart taking up space and distracting from your programming.

      • Use quality audio

Don’t lose opportunities for interaction or engagement by overlooking the importance of high-quality audio solutions. If participants are straining to hear your presenter, they’re less likely to fully grasp or connect with your content. Opt for a compact powered speaker to make sure your message is delivered loud and clear.

      • Customize your visual elements

Want to make your meeting more memorable? Take advantage of clever design accents that can leave a lasting impression. Branded screen skirts are a perfect way to do this. They can feature company logos or other designs relevant to your meeting theme to visually reinforce a brand or idea.

2. Elevate the ambiance

When making intentional meeting design choices, don’t overlook the power of color to affect attendees’ emotions. LED lights are an excellent tool for this. They can change hues instantaneously to alter the ambiance of your event and elicit certain feelings in your participants. Simply use an IR Remote or wireless control to change their color on cue.

This budget-friendly solution is also ideal for small accent spaces. LED lights can fit almost anywhere with their 3.5 in x 3.5 in footprint​​​​​​​. Another advantage? LED lights use less energy than most other lighting solutions, which can help raise the “green” factor of your meeting. With a range of LED options to choose from, our experts can help you create an environment that inspires everything from excitement and creativity to critique and analysis – all at the click of a button.

3. Grow sponsorship reach

A common theme for meeting professionals, no matter their audience size, is the desire to boost participant engagement. With an event platform, you can provide simple-to-use yet powerful tools that enable participants to connect with each other and your content. Chime Go℠ by Encore is a fully-supported, quick-start event app that equips users with key information – from agendas and maps to forums to Q&A tools – all organized in one hub and branded with your logo. It can be turned around in as little as four working days, which makes it ideal for planners navigating short lead times, and provides an easy, affordable and professional way to add a new level of engagement to small meetings.

With Chime Go, you can elevate the experience for participants with an easy-to-use event site and interactive features like:

      • Pre-event and onsite access
      • Detailed digital agendas & maps
      • Live Q&As/Upvoter
      • Real-time broadcasts that enable attendees or presenters to join remotely
      • Live analytics to view engagement levels, capture questions asked and more!

Instead of your audience passively digesting content, the event platform’s digital tools can help deliver greater ways for participants to interact with your programming throughout the experience – and directly from their own smart devices.

4. Set the tone with music​

“Having no music creates a void that you’re not used to having in day-to-day life when you go into public spaces,” says Nick Greene, Encore Product Manager for Audio and Power. “It creates an awkward silence…imagine showing up at a company meeting at 8 a.m. and walking into an empty room with no music. There won’t be the energy.”

Ensure you’re creating an atmosphere that breathes new life into your small meeting with the perfect tone-setting tracks. Encore Music provides hit songs from today’s popular artists, already licensed and ready to play. With hundreds of curated playlists to choose from, select the perfect soundtrack for your meeting to enhance the experience and curate your desired mood. Whether you’re looking for an upbeat tempo to invigorate discussions, mellow jazz to introduce thought-provoking themes, or even a festive dance track to energize your audience after a long day, Encore Music offers a diverse range of creative choices to meet your needs – and without you having to obtain a separate music license as you would with a generic streaming service or bringing your own music.

5. Deliver memorable content

When planning your small meeting, visually enhancing your content goes a long way in helping to make a lasting impression and ensure it doesn’t fall flat. Amplify your presentations – with a minimal impact on your budget – with our self-serve creative. We can equip you with professionally designed PowerPoint template slides with three matching elements: A logo loop, intro video and speaker title. The elements are designed to be used together for a seamless transition but may also be used individually to suit various display requirements.

Have another creative idea you’d like to bring to life? A small meeting doesn’t have to mean limited possibilities. Our team of experienced designers can work closely with you to create stunning graphics and videos tailored specifically to meet your needs and budget — from logos and invitations to custom videos and presentations.

6. Protect against internet interruptions

Whether you need to ensure a speaker’s multimedia presentation works without a hitch or that in-person attendees can download an event app, interruption-free, secure, and reliable internet is essential to your small meeting’s success. It’s also become a big part of attendees’ expectations, with audiences now counting on uninterrupted streaming capabilities to multiple devices, including laptops, smartphones, and tablets, as part of their experience.

As your strategic partner, Encore provides fast, seamless internet, best-in-class connectivity, and extensive technical support to protect against any embarrassing lags and ensure the focus stays on your message.

Dynamic expectations call for dynamic solutions

Gone are the days when small meetings meant reduced expectations. Today’s attendees have dynamic expectations that can’t be met without the right tools. Whether you’re focused on delivering a high-production feel, improving engagement or setting the perfect ambiance, having the right technology solutions in place is key to leveling up any small meeting experience and transforming it from mundane to memorable.

Request a free consultation with our experts to learn more ways we can help you deliver outstanding small meeting outcomes. We’d love to discuss your specific needs and empower you to deliver an experience that connects and inspires. 

Online gaming events and tournaments were a hot commodity during the pandemic. The gaming industry has been growing rapidly with no signs of hitting a pause. In 2021, the global Esports market was valued at just over $1.08 billion U.S. dollars, an almost 50 percent increase from the previous year. Industry projections forecast the Esports market to be worth approximately US$1.62 billion by 2024 with North America being one of the largest markets. 

With the increasing vaccination rates around the world, masks are coming off, offices are filling up; it looks like people feel comfortable returning to social life and public gatherings. The next wave of in-person events is at our doorstep.

Esports tournaments are making a digital splash in the event industry. In fact, in recent years the League of Legends competition has drawn more viewers than the Super Bowl or NBA finals. Events during the last two years were affected due to the pandemic, but nevertheless, its scope is indicative of the growth, market value, and excitement surrounding the Esports industry. Esports is so popular that Comcast is constructing a $50 million arena so fans can watch live, and a new US$500 million stadium breaking ground in Toronto, Ontario owned by Overactive Media.

A deep passion and joy are at the heart of what was once merely a childhood recreation for most players now turned into fierce competitive profession that can rival some established professional sports in personal earnings and notoriety…

The Esports market is comprised of a devout group full of exceptional tactical gameplay, extremely quick mental skills, and an even greater competitive spirit. The fans make up the majority of this community, the professional players an even smaller fraction, then even more rare are those tournament organizers and planners who have the stamina, organizational skills and bravery to actually plan, coordinate and host these seemingly monstrous undertakings. Like with any major event, hosting an Esports tournament is one of the most exhausting, yet rewarding tasks within the community.   

Step 1: Do Your Research — Check Out Other Esports Events

Step 2:  What Kind of Event Do You Want to Organize?

Step 3: What are the Essential Requirements for your event?

Step 4: What’s Your Budget?

Step 5: Promote Your Event

Step 6: Market Your Event to Others

Encore Gaming Capabilities

Plan Your Esports Event with Encore

Step 1: Do Your Research — Check Out Other Esports Events

Studying what others do is a fundamental part of your own hosting experience. The best way to learn how to organize Esports tournaments is to attend some yourself.

Attending tournaments organized by other parties gives you a chance to experience events from the perspective of audience members. You can scope out the scene, make contacts, and talk to players to gather the information that will be helpful in planning your own tournament. You might even be able to meet people who organized the event. Ask them lots of questions and take notes on everything.

What’s better? You can also participate in one of the tournaments.

Being a participant will give you a different perspective that will help you in planning and organizing your event. You can find out what motivates players to participate. This will also help you be a part of or build your own gaming community.

Step 2: What Kind of Event Do You Want to Organize?

Esports events come in all shapes and sizes and can last anywhere from a single afternoon to multiple days.  Knowing what kind of event you want to host will help determine the factors involved in planning and holding the tournament.

Here are a few things to consider when organizing an Esports tournament:

Choose your game:

The first thing to do when organizing an Esports tournament is what type of game you want to play and how many people will take part in it. When it comes to Esports tournament games, there are several ways to make a choice. Be wise and choose games that are popular/trending and will appeal to a larger audience. For example, games like League of Legends, Fortnite, and CS:GO have a huge following. 

Make an effort and ask your target audience. Talk to fellow gamers to determine which game is more popular in your community. Settling on a game that is not popular or one that you don’t know well can bring a lot of additional work.

Design your format:

Esports gaming tournaments include group and bracket stages to determine a winner. If your event is big and you anticipate many participants, a single or a double elimination bracket is the fastest and easiest way to decide a winner. Round robin or Swiss seeding can be more time-consuming, as it provides an opportunity for each player to run against every other contestant in the tournament.

Free or do you want to monetize your event?

What are your events goals and objectives? Are you looking to build or grow your gaming community? Are you organizing the event to build your brand? Are you planning an event to increase your revenue or earn big profits? Monetizing an event could include all sorts of things like:

  • Sponsorships
  • Ticket sales
  • Concessions
  • Vendor market
  • Signage and way finding ads
  • Online event app ads
  • Video streaming
  • Bets

You’ll need to decide on how you’ll collect money and how you’ll reward the winners. Automating the process can make it much easier for you.

Step 3: What are the Essential Requirements for Your Event?


Esports tournaments can be held in a variety of locations. It’s better to pre-plan and decide on your event needs and potential audiences when choosing a venue. Not all venues will be able to provide what you need. Some venues may have limitations or certain restrictions on what your event can include.

Scope out the different venues available to you and make a list of all the important factors. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Is the venue big enough for your estimated audience?
  • Does the venue have proper licenses or do you need an event permit?
  • Does the venue allow food and drinks?
  • Is the internet connection strong and reliable?
  • Does the venue provide a backup generator?
  • Does the venue have ample parking?
  • Is the venue close to public transit?
  • Are there enough electrical outlets and room to set up equipment?
  • Does the venue have restrooms and adequate seating?

Planning and collaboration with an experienced event solution partner can help answer all these questions.


Copyright laws apply to video games, as well as to other published works. Game developers and publishers have the right to approve or disapprove of the use of their games in public tournaments. Many publishers sell licenses to Esports tournament organizers and third-party leagues as a source of revenue. The rising popularity of these events gives an opportunity to promote their games.

It’s imperative to contact the gaming company well in advance of your planned event, to ensure that you will have sufficient time to secure the necessary licenses and permissions for your event.

Event technology:

Esports events need massive amounts of electronic equipment and a robust power system for the players alone. An Esports gaming tournament setup must include enough powerful computers to carry out several hours or days of the competition. It’s also important to have a strong power supply distribution and a backup plan in case of power outages.

More importantly, the audiovisual support and event technology you leverage can greatly unlock greater potential for your brand and allow your audience to scale and grow – maximizing the usage of the chosen venue. From essential sound and lighting to immersive visuals and massive LED video walls, you need an extensive suite of on-site and digital technology offerings to maximize the event experience and connect participants.

Internet connection:

Most online multiplayer games are played in real-time with other real-life players, so high-speed broadband internet at the venue is critical. Both the local network infrastructure and the internet connection service must be strong enough to support all the digital action.

Slow connections frustrate players, create unfair competition, and your spectators can lose interest quickly, resulting in negative publicity for your event. Check out our Bandwidth Calculator on how to best plan for large-scale gameplay:


Event teams and admin crew:

Consider hiring tech-savvy support staff to circulate and help attendees get connected, answer questions during the event, and troubleshoot issues.  You may also require additional event staff for:

  • Contestant check-in and ticket sales
  • Seating arrangements
  • Announcements and schedule monitoring
  • Referees for keeping scores, rules, and gameplay tracking
  • Tech personnel for troubleshooting
  • Food and beverages
  • Merchandise sales
  • Hotel accommodations agents
  • Shuttle and transportation coordinators

Step 4: What’s your Budget?

The budget is possibly the most important thing to consider when planning any event. You’ll want to carefully plan and consider your budget so that you don’t overcommit yourself with inadequate funds. Consider your goals and determine what is reasonable to spend on the event. You’ll also want the budget to match the size of the event.

Here’s a list of expenses you might want to consider:

  • Marketing
  • Venue
  • Technological and equipment costs
  • Registration software or service
  • Prize money
  • Staff costs like electricians, videographers, game monitors/judges, etc.
  • Food and beverages
  • Utilities and miscellaneous


You can also bring in additional revenue to cover some of the costs:

  • Registration for players
  • Entrance fee for audience members
  • Sponsors
  • Vendors
  • Hardware partners

Encore Canada offers affordable Esports and gaming event options
. With a team of creators, innovators, and experts, we transform events into immersive, collaborative experiences that deliver real results.

Step 5: Market Your Event to Others

Esports gamers interact through the internet and even compete using it. Therefore, the best way to promote an Esports gaming tournament is with the help of the power of the internet.

Social media is likely the most popular and most effective mode of advertising in the 21st Century, and for this reason, it should be your #1 go-to when advertising for your event. The internet contains multiple social media platforms that you can resort to using when you market your Esports tournament. There are millions of gamers watching streams of gaming events and tournaments on social media platforms every single day! You can come up with an ad for your event and have it targeted to a particular audience. Here are a few social media platforms that you can consider using to market your Esports tournament:

  • Twitch
  • Youtube
  • Discord
  • TikTok
  • Instagram
  • Major Esports portals

Make a strategy for pre-event, during the event, and post-event marketing. Start planning 6 to 8 weeks ahead of your event.

Esports Arena

Source: Sportspro Media

Are you tired of seeing attendees checking their phones during your event? It’s the surest sign that someone is disengaged from what’s going on. And when one person does it, everyone around them feels a need to do the same. The average person interacts with their phone nearly three times a minute or a staggering 2,617 times a day.

Why are your event attendees disengaging? According to Fast Company, there are several reasons why people might not be paying attention to your presentations, including:

  1. Difficulty paying attention to both spoken and written words at the same time
  2. Finding the presentation boring,
  3. Or not being able to visualize the ideas being presented.

Therefore, how do you nip extracurricular activity in the bud and ensure participants engage with conference content? One of the best ways is to provide them with a dedicated Chime Live℠ enabled iPad.

This solution not only keeps phones out of  your attendee hands, but it also elevates the in-room experience by providing multiple ways participants can interact with the event, presenters, and each other. Let’s take a look at the boundless possibilities for engagement this technology creates for meeting and event organizers.

Event technology that engages

Chime Live is a mobile event technology platform that delivers real-time conference content, interactive quizzing and polls, and essential event analytics. When attendees walk into a room where an iPad is waiting for them, it immediately makes them feel important. And it lets them know that this is an event that welcomes their participation.

Chime Live-enabled iPads act as a second-screen, and is a perfect in-person event solution, displaying the speaker presentations in an interactive handheld format. Attendees can pinch and zoom each slide to see details, go back to review anything they’ve missed, and take notes on content they want to remember.

By having an iPad in their hands, they’re less tempted to pull a phone out, especially since the iPad allows them to zoom in on what’s being presented. The ability to go back and review or capture the content also aids learning and comprehension. And the technology prevents participants from skipping ahead, so audiences remain focused on what is happening in the room.

The Q&A feature allows attendees to ask questions from the comfort of their seats. This encourages both introverts and extroverts to participate in the conversation. It gives everyone a voice and eliminates the need to wait for a mic to express it.

Additionally, the platform provides presenters with interactive tools, such as polls and quizzes, and heatmaps, which provide an interactive image for participant voting.

For example, presenters can display a world map. As attendees touch the countries they’re hailing from, the heatmap will display color-coded concentrations, with the greatest number reflected in warmer shades and areas of lesser concentration in cooler colors.

Event technology that connects

Networking tools are another compelling reason to utilize the Chime Live event platform for in-person meetings. Chime Live offers features to help your event attendees connect prior, during, and after your live event. Here are ways you can get your attendees to enhance their networking participation:

  1. After participants create a user profile, they can open the “Connect” feature, which uses a matching algorithm to suggest fellow attendees with shared interests or attributes.
  2. Event organizers can customize these designations to increase the relevance of these matchmaking suggestions for their group.
  3. The “messaging” feature then allows participants to contact and connect with people they want to meet.

Event technology that informs

Chime Live-enabled iPads can push out surveys and feedback forms to collect responses from event participants. The Analytics dashboard offers real-time insight into conference activity. Post-event reports also can provide the planner with insights into engagement levels.

One of the benefits of using the Chime Live platform is the full-service Encore event team that comes with it. In addition to helping event organizers develop and execute their engagement strategy, the Concise team provides planners with an analytics dashboard that displays real-time information on how many participants are turned in, how engaged they are, and what live polling response levels look like. Onsite, Encore technicians push all these interactive elements to the iPads at carefully timed moments to keep attention levels high. If any metrics are lower than expected, the Encore team can cue notifications to boost in-room interaction. Post-event, Encore provides event organizers with in-depth analytics reports.

Interested in creating anticipation, increasing engagement, and promoting two-way conversations between conference presenters and participants? Contact us for a free consultation on how Chime Live and iPads can enhance your next event.

Chime Live - Elevate the In-Room Experience for Your Event Attendees

Hint: It depends on how much time you have to plan.

You may not have the luxury of a generous planning window to put together your next hybrid event, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have options to bring people together in exciting new ways. In fact, a wealth of high-quality platform solutions exist to help you expand your in-person event reach, connect with new audiences, encourage remote/in-person participant collaboration and engagement. One of the best ways to determine which event platform and how much support you need is to start with how much time you have to plan.

Too pressed for time to shop for an event platform? Encore provides a curated selection of best-in-class solutions, which we’ve highlighted below. (And if you’ve already selected a platform, the Encore team can provide production and/or creative support.)

Here’s our short list of platform solutions for hybrid meetings and events, based on your event lead time. Read on to learn about the boundless possibilities these platform technologies offer.

If you only have 1-2 weeks to plan

Zoom video conferencing is best for small, casual meetings. It’s also often used to stream content, like webinars and concurrent sessions, that is embedded in more dynamic viewing platforms.

This is the go-to hybrid event platform for several good reasons. But even with the slimmest of planning windows, you’ll have a better-quality event if you don’t try to run it off your company’s Zoom license.

What you may not realize is that Zoom comes in three flavors:

  1. Basic (free) accounts which are bound by a 40-minute time limit and a restricted set of features
  2. Professional accounts, which companies or individuals purchase to extend meeting times and gain access to more robust features, like webinar registration
  3. Enterprise accounts, which are only available to companies like Encore

What’s the difference between using your company’s professional Zoom license and using an enterprise Zoom account provided by Encore?

      • Multiple licenses are at your disposal, which helps you create educational “tracks” or concurrent streams for your event
      • Content can be recorded to the cloud rather than desktop-only
      • You don’t have to purchase a new license if your event grows; enterprise licenses can scale to handle groups of 500 or 5,000

Plus, if you go with a full-service event technology provider, like Encore, your event will be supported in real-time by a human staff who can troubleshoot and produce a seamless event for you. Another benefit of partnering with Encore is that our team stays on top of the newest third-party Zoom integrations, which means we can point out solutions that you can add to Zoom to increase functionality and enhance participant engagement. To make planning easier, Encore has created a new solution for Hybrid Small Meetings that’s ideal with Zoom and essential technology ready to go — so you can just show us and let us worry about the setup.

If you have at least 3 weeks to plan

Looking for a self-service solution? The Cvent Attendee Hub is best for events that need a way for exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees to network and set up 1:1 appointments with each other before they arrive on-site. It also works well for conferences that have multiple sessions and activities.

Cvent Attendee Hub allows you to quickly get your event up and running. Features include:

      • Integrated video equipment to create virtual events with live or pre-recorded content
      • Engagement features like live Q&A, chat, polling, and feedback surveys to keep sessions interactive
      • Meeting scheduling capabilities for groups or individuals so participants, exhibitors, and sponsors can connect and network
      • CEU tracking and certificate delivery for professional development education
      • Participant tracking to analyze attendee patterns of attendance and survey responses

If you’d rather have a fully-supported quick start event app, you might prefer using Chime Go. Chime Go is a paired-down mobile-friendly solution that works well for conference organizers who want to give participants the ability to customize their event schedules. 

The Encore team can configure Chime Go in multiple ways to support in-person, virtual, and hybrid meetings. Chime Go features a mobile-based agenda and in-room engagement tools, as well as a microsite that can be built around your streaming conference content or hybrid meeting. Benefits include:

      • A quick start, branded conference site accessible via mobile or other devices to elevate the attendee experience, with self-registration, agenda, map pdfs, the ability for participants to ask questions (customer moderated), upvote others’ questions, and take notes that they can send to themselves. Add-on options include sponsor banners and fundraising links
      • A hybrid-ready microsite with all of the above, plus the option to include streaming windows for participants to watch the live broadcasts or on-demand content. Other options include chat and sentiment stream, closed captioning, Zoom meeting integration, and more

If you have at least 4 weeks to plan

Interested in blending the in-person experience with the digital one? Consider creating a choreographed hybrid experience with Chime Live, a powerful digital storytelling platform. Chime Live works well for high-profile events where you want attendees to feel special. It also is a good fit for events that prioritize two-way conversations between the presenters and the audience, as it provides robust collaboration and engagement tools.

      • Pre-event, Chime Live provides a branded registration platform, sponsor areas, social media sharing, and pertinent event information
      • During the event, participants interact with Chime Live via mobile app to view, vote on, submit questions, and interact with conference content
      • Post-event, Chime Live shares insights on participant interactions, submitted questions, and other data

If you have at least 6 weeks to plan

Looking to maximize engagement and impress your audience? Chime Live is ideal if you have at least a six-week planning window. These Chime Live engagement add-ons enhance the in-person and remote elements of events by providing a deeper way for presenters to connect with the audience, and for event participants to customize their event experience. You’ll receive all the bells and whistles mentioned above, plus:

Choreographed event design to focus attendees on what they need to see or do on the platform by pushing slides and pop-up interactive polls, Q&A, and more, in real-time

      • Choreographed event design to focus attendees on what they need to see or do on the platform by pushing slides and pop-up interactive polls, Q&A, and more, in real-time
      • Customized user interfaces for in-person and remote experiences
      • Personalized journeys featuring segmented or integrated experiences and customized agendas to support your organization and participants’ objectives

Another option is the Cvent Attendee Hub platform, which you can transform into a full-service solution by engaging the Encore team to help. The Encore team can support you during the design, set-up, and production phase. It’s a great choice for larger events, especially if you want to maximize engagement and let professionals manage the technology for you. In addition to the bells and whistles with the self-service option, the full-service version offers:

      • Worry-free tech set-up, streaming, and production support, provided by the Encore team
      • Integrated Cvent registration
      • On-demand viewing functionality
      • Gamification
      • Customized attendee hub configured to suit your needs

If you have more than 8 weeks to plan

Consider leveraging all the above-mentioned perks of the Chime Live platform and elevating the experience for your remote attendees by adding a virtual lobby that allows them to “physically” interact with each other and content at the event through avatars. This functionality works well with global expositions, conferences and trade shows that need to provide an interactive online environment that is as compelling for its remote participants as for its in-person ones.

Create an immersive 2-D or 3-D virtual environment that recreates elements familiar to in-person conferences, such as lobbies, theaters, virtual trade show booths, and networking lounges with Notified from Intrado. This platform accommodates large events and exhibitions and is a fantastic choice for events attracting a large number of remote attendees. Benefits of the platform include:

      • Broadcast studio-quality streaming
      • AI-driven matchmaking software and video chat options
      • Sponsorship packages
      • Custom-branded areas
      • Full-service creative, production, and design assistance from the Encore team

If you have more than 12 weeks to plan

If Notified by Intrado is on your list, and you have a three-month window before the event, you can add an integrated registration option to the immersive elements mentioned above. These options work very well for virtual expos and conferences.

It’s no secret that conference content not only drives attendance but also generates on-site brand publicity through social media engagement and can generate significant post-event revenue. If you have a generous planning window of at least 12 weeks, you should consider hiring a content development team to design, source, and produce different elements of your conference content. Encore offers Creative services that can:

      • Design presentation templates and create presentations
      • Transform your brand logo into an animated asset
      • Produce short and long-format video segments and interstitial video “stingers” to introduce speakers, promote sponsors and highlight event elements before, during, and after the event
      • Create motion graphics and animations to spice up in-person and broadcast content
      • Coach speakers and ghost-write executive speeches
      • Capture images and video on-site

Encore can also provide on-site presentation management with Content1, a fully supported system for collecting and distributing presentation files to meeting spaces at events. Presenters can upload their presentations from their home or office pre-event, then check into our Speaker Ready Room on-site for final revisions, uploads, and review.

Presentations are automatically transferred to the meeting rooms and delivered from a single, customized computer, ensuring the final revision is presented without delays during the meeting.

Where do you fall on this spectrum? 

Has this guide helped you select a potential hybrid event platform? Or are you still wondering what the best options are for your event? Encore is happy to help. We offer free consultations. Even if you’ve selected an event platform, we can consult with you on how to elevate your event. Connect to an Encore team member here.

To help you remember the different platform solutions, we created this infographic you can download and keep with you.

Platform solutions by lead times

One of the easiest ways to select a hybrid event platform is by how much time you have to organize it. Here’s what we suggest. If you want help selecting a platform, or need assistance setting up and running one you’ve already selected, Encore can help, too. Get in touch for a free consultation.

In the past decade, competitive online gaming and Esports have experienced a meteoric rise in popular culture and its economic value. Professional esports have long caught up to traditional sports when it comes to prize pools, sponsorships, and production quality, and transitioning your independently run esports events to large-scale competitions can be costly and very complex. But before we dive into how to expand in the esports world, let me paint a quick picture for you.

The gaming industry is growing rapidly with no signs of hitting pause. In 2021, the global eSports market was valued at just over 1.08 billion U.S. dollars, an almost 50 percent increase from the previous year. Industry projections forecast the Esports market is to be worth approximately $1.62 billion by 2024  with North America being one of the largest markets.  

Esports tournaments are making a digital splash in the event industry. In fact, in recent years the League of Legends competition has drawn more viewers than the Super Bowl or NBA finals. Events during the last two years were affected due to the pandemic, but nevertheless, its scope is indicative of the growth, market value, and excitement surrounding the esports industry. Esports is so popular that Comcast is constructing a $50 million arena so fans can watch live,and a new US$500 million stadium breaking ground in Toronto, Ontario owned by Overactive Media.

Esports Arena

Source: Sportspro Media

As the world returns to pre-pandemic conditions, the esports industry is moving in the same direction, with many large-scale esports events already booked for 2022. Hosting an esports tournament is a great way to enter a cutting-edge niche, boost business, connect with peers in the community and showcase the fast-paced skill and tactical gameplay. However, when it comes to reliable event planning, the gap is still wide open. 

Esports events can last anywhere from a single afternoon to multiple days, and they rely heavily on tech. Venue sourcing is making or breaking for this event arena. Learn essential venue requirements for esports so your next event is gamer ready.   

1. There is always room for more 

Long gone are the days when teams of five players fought each other in the videogame frontier. The venue must be large enough to hold a big crowd. Some past Esports events have recorded audiences of over 100,000 people. Smaller venues can make players feel uncomfortable. No player wants disturbance from spectators or the audience during intense moments of play. 

However, venues that are too big for an esports event can come with their own set of problems. Being too far from the live-action can lead to frustration and boredom in the audience, and they will opt to watch the tournament from home the next time. Planning and collaboration with an experienced event technology team can help avoid this.  

Arlington, Texas has the largest Esports stadium in North America. With dedicated venues emerging or being built for esports, there are still many types of venues that can host various esports needs:  

  • Esports venues  
  • Movie complexes/theatres  
  • Convention centers 
  • Small venues 
  • Pro sports stadiums 
  • Shopping malls


2. Licensing

Copyright laws apply to video games, as well as to other published works. Game developers and publishers have the right to approve or disapprove of the use of their games in public tournaments. Many publishers sell licenses to esports tournament organizers and third-party leagues as a source of revenue. The rising popularity of these events gives an opportunity to promote their games.  

It’s imperative to contact the gaming company well in advance of your planned event, to ensure that you will have sufficient time to secure the necessary licenses and permissions for your particular event.

3. Event technology and support for gaming: 

Esports events need massive amounts of electronic equipment and a robust power system. There can be hundreds of players or spectators using the power supply to charge their laptops or mobile phones at the same time. The facility must have power strips on every row to allow players to access the power supply. It is also necessary to have a backup plan in case of power outages. 

In addition to having a strong power supply distribution and a backup plan, hiring ground staff like A/V personnel is also a good idea. The last thing you want is players or spectators struggling with technology or power connections during your event. 

Event technology also plays an important role to foster a social experience. Large-scale video screens are required to support gameplay, and high-fidelity audio is necessary to hear the play-by-play and commentary. Adding custom fabricated scenery and set pieces that complement the game themes are another way to enhance the experience at your event.  

4. Internet connection: 

Most online multiplayer games are played in real-time with other real-life players, so high-speed broadband internet at the venue is critical. Hundreds of gamers will be playing in one place at one time, the internet connection must be strong enough to support all the digital action.  

Slow connections frustrate players, and your spectators (including those on-site and streaming from home on Youtube or Twitch)  can lose interest quickly, resulting in negative publicity for your event. The negative buzz serious gamers can generate if they can’t enjoy or stream their favorite competition can destroy an event.  

Check out our Bandwidth Calculator on how to best plan for large scale gameplay: https://www.encore-can.com/bandwidth-calculator/

5. Tech-savvy staff:  

Players of all levels, from beginners to seasoned pros, can be found at various esports tournaments. Consider tech-savvy support staff to circulate and help attendees get connected, answer questions during the event, and troubleshoot issues.   

You may also require additional event staff to direct players and spectators to proper areas, assist with check-in, keep times and scores, or assist with F&B sales. Hire a knowledgeable host or event production company to oversee the staff and ensure the event is a success. Destination management agencies are experts at transporting attendees by the hundreds or thousands when dealing with multiple venues. Dedicated esports venues have in-house staff, but for stand-alone sites, you will have to add temporary staff to the budget.   

Our gaming and esports capabilities:

Encore is an event experience company, providing creative production, advanced technology, and staging solutions to help you deliver impactful experiences at your gaming and esports events. Our approach is to understand your goals and align our resources and solutions to ensure your event blends creativity and innovative technology for an inspiring fan and attendee experience.

We can support all aspects of events from planning through execution. Our highly trained staff delivers innovative solutions in support of events ranging from small tournaments to global championship events with thousands of attendees. As our customers look to deliver more dynamic and impactful esports events, the services we provide become increasingly critical to their planning process. Our services go beyond traditional technology to include cutting-edge solutions like creative event design, virtual events, internet connectivity, bandwidth management, overhead rigging, content development, digital services, 3-D mapping, exhibit services, and much more.

Plan Your Event

Planning to organize a gaming event or scale your esports event business? We’ve got you covered. Encore simplifies all your venue and event requirements.  

Through our services and technology, Encore will help you create the ultimate live, virtual or hybrid event. We are proud of our position as the trusted, exclusive on-site event provider of choice at more than 2,100 leading venues including sports and entertainment venues, casinos, hotels, resorts, and convention centers.